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While Thinking with a FB Group About the New Year, 2018 and how our late teen son would have been 25 on Jan 6th.

on Sun, 12/31/2017 - 01:05

Having a FB Memory Page for a Loved One is a rather new way to mark the transition of  a person from this earthly realm while keeping a sense of the social ties that enriched their life. Such is the case regarding the passing of our 16-year-old son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton of Sharon CT in June of 2009, 8 years ago. He would have been 25 on January 6th, 2018 (having been born 1-6-93 shortly after midnight.)

I recount many events and ideas on his memorial facebook page with a few hundred people on it, hoping to keep the inspiration of his life and final acts of courage and trying to save

Here's to Getting Inspired--The One, The Many, In Person or Online..Check Some sites out

on Sat, 12/30/2017 - 21:31

Hi All, 

I have found more ways to keep busy than planned helping some folks out in the Berkshires. Tip: If watching kids in a library Make Sure you alert the librarian and others that you'd like their help keeping any child from wandering out by his or herself in search of anyone or even wanting to check outside on someone or something in a car, etc. Yes, this kind of thing Does happen even in the modern world. Who votes for a 'kid-proof' gate when reasonable? I guess I will put out the request.

Twas On A Night Like This a great way to reflect on the holiday season and new year... free to listen to on youtube (That's what I'm doing right now)

on Sat, 12/30/2017 - 01:40

 Everybuddy would love to hear their family singing songs as they did in Christmases past..and I happen to be able to do that with the likes of Sandy and Caroline Paton's music being available on youtube. I feel lucky when I remember to slow down long enough to tune in. I was living at Folk-Legacy when the album (now CD and digital) Twas On A Night Like This was being recorded there. I will reflect on those times another time since it's getting late.

Curious How I Spent December (the second half?) Let me Recap for You (and Me) before the New Year Takes Over. Thanks for your patience, 2018!

on Thu, 12/28/2017 - 23:48

Greetings to Everybuddy Reading and Around the Globe (as Long as I'm thinking big)...and Around the Universe (why not cover the bases?) Hope everyone had a BeYouToFull December to Remember...(and a couple more days to fill in so get going if you've slept through the most of it.) I had some 'late nights' watching something online or chatting with family or even friends on the phone.

After Holiday Shopping Online Blues..figuring out how to pay for things logistically and in a timely manner...Looking for sponsors for future months is on my 2018 Wish List

on Thu, 12/28/2017 - 21:49

Dear Great Coach for Business and Life,(and all who may find compassion for this kind of bookkeeping snaffew...let's see how this all turns out...)

 Regarding the payment for one month in your new group effort that I thought went through, I am getting the news that it did not. I am figuring out options after learning of the old credit card not going through, which is understandable, but I didn't realize I had tried to use that. I thought I used a new card number.

 I have had a bit of a juggling act going on with my new credit card.
