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Real Boy, at Letter of Marque (LOM) Theatre in Brooklyn NY an experience to toy with...a modern spin on all things Pinocchio

on Sat, 02/17/2018 - 05:55

Are we puppets, pulled by someone else on strings set in place by not only our parents but our culture? Are we animals living among other animal-types in costumes or with underlying drives we may or may not be aware of?

Are we dreamers who do not want to wake up to reality or who don' t want to give up on those dreams for ourselves or our children or collective future? What is wood could walk and talk, think and feel?

Such was the piece of wood Gepetto sought from his burly counterpart who had Quite the Long Island accent of an I-talian nature (which one Italian audience member felt

Peace and Light to Florida and US All on Valentine's Day 2018

on Thu, 02/15/2018 - 05:50

With news on FB from a friend saying 17 were lost in a school episode of violence by a former student on February 14th, 2018 our Valentine's Day. I gave the following reflection. Some said we need to pray, others to vote. I suggested both which of course most people are apt to do with renewed conviction and even a friend.I wanted to write something inspiring about Valentine's and put some reflections on about being married 30 years ago (with the legal part ending about 20 years later..with many blessings and lessons along the way, but not the easiest of endings..since

#Bro'KLYN when Inspiration Strikes and the Big Love Catches On! Now's As Good A Time As Any and Timely!

on Thu, 02/08/2018 - 22:37

Brilliant, loving ideas come to me sometimes..and if I am awake or mostly awake I try to write them down. A week or two back I was seeing the connection between my teen son's name Kaelan and Brother Kaelan..and Brooklyn (NY but there is also one in CT I am now recalling, and in MN where I know some wonderful folks..including twins in the Twin Cities...)

The overall idea now will be to launch an idea to the world..yes, you and yours and cities and states and countries and everything else while we're at it.

For My To-Do List (and Yours): Get Your Friends to Comment to Keep Them in Your Newsfeed

on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 16:11

A couple of nice folks have shared the following on FB on their page and suggest we do the same to keep our friends in our loop.That's the scoop! Do it now or put it on your To-Do List (okay Make a To Do List and Then put it on. A calendar works just fine by the way!) An added bonus, always double check appts and places since some medical or other offices cancel and leave a message you may not get.

Some have more than one location or various hours. I have often found I will have two or more changes to any appt I make here in Brooklyn NY.

Happy Birthday to Ol' Pals..Wonderful Guys and Gals...a little reverie as the snow falls on Feb 7th a week before Valentine's Day 2018

on Wed, 02/07/2018 - 15:09

Who else wakes up feeling like they are still in dream mode? Am I waking up in 8th grade to get to my  beloved Kellogg School a mile down the road in one of the tiniest towns in CT and the only "Falls Village" in the United States of A-Miracle (May that be more so than not, Dear Loving Source of the Universe as we all pitch in and do out bit best we can with balance and elbow grease, kind words and deeds indeed!)

When I had to write my 8th grade essay for graduation in June of 1977 (yes 40 years ago but again, can feel like just a few years back) I woke up in the middle of the night, I think
