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Documentary Film (for the Holidays or After... all about Awareness and Safety) though tough title, "What Doesn't Kill Me"

on Mon, 11/27/2017 - 04:39

Now I wonder if the film maker knew the connection of the title to the lyrics of the song with 'Makes Me Stronger" because in this What Doesn't Kill Me documentary, the outcome is sheer devastation of mothers who lose custody of their children to abusive fathers. Most divorces 'work themselves out' somewhat amicably or at least reasonably for a few thousand dollars and terms of mutual agreement, or something both parties can live with regarding custody and child support. But for about 10% of divorces, there's a huge battle that can run tens of thousands if not millions of dollars.

Happy Thanksgiving 2017, and More Thankful Thursdays, and A Bit of Extra 'Inspirational' Dessert!

on Fri, 11/24/2017 - 03:50 is a talk I am listening to after a lovely Thanksgiving in Brooklyn NY. I got some great deals and inspiration at Trader Joe's (City Point) and pulled together a nice simple meal with just enough for four adults and a little extra. is the name of the site the guest speaker on the Wellness Show has.

Time for that Spirit of Giving to Help Non-Profits and Cowpokes (one at least in the NYC area who sings for kids--of all age)

on Wed, 11/22/2017 - 02:34 is the Kickstarter Link to help NYC musician and singer Hopalong Andrew get his lively recording launched. He's game to raise $10K by December 10th or so of this year..and he's off to a walloping start. Please donate any amount without a reward, or 20 or more for an advance release of a digital download..or a signed CD for $25 (plus 5 dollars Shipping in the US.)

Okay, other great holiday giving ideas...he's got tee shirts and other goodies, American Mural Project (AMP in Winsted CT...hurrah WINsted!) Read up on this ambitious project which is getting some added support

Does Trump Care About US? Guess Again if You Said Yes. A Friend's Plea to ASK Questions and Find Solutions While there's still Hope!

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:56
Thanks for braving this challenging territory, my FB friend who implored us to think about what is happening before our very eyes under a Trump Administration. Closing down the EPA, allowing pipelines (and risking but also seeing the oil spills from them), dismantling many programs for basic health and even safety such as birth control or support for rearing children and So Much More. I shared the following as a response:..I explore a lot on my blog not with deep political insights since I'm not well -versed in that..but you could copy and paste your comments in a post

Thinking Out Loud about Very Taboo Topics so parental permission please if under 18

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:51

Hello, sorry for the 'alarming mysterious title..but also for the way the print cuts off the tail end of the letters...' Now I am seeing the copy fine as I am editing. I did bring this over from FB or maybe that's the problem..Okay, so I will post and hope the print clears up.

These are difficult realities some young men were discussing online..the legality and occurrence of abortion, especially late-term abortion with some specific procedures being questioned as necessary,  humane or rational.
