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Linda Moulton Howe, A Stanford-Educated TV Investigative Journalist, a national heroine for braving tough topics..How about the rest of US?

on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 18:37

 Since 9/11/01, life in America changed for everyone. No longer was there a safety net of 'being in big city with predictable norms, maybe some storms, but not Terrorist Attacks!!' Same with the idea of getting on a plane.

When Truth is Only a Click Away..will you lift a finger (and click?) (And Watch and Consider...)

on Mon, 09/11/2017 - 21:26 is the most recent video I have watched to understand the other side of the story about the World Trade Center Towers 1, 2, and 7 all coming down on the same day, names September 11th, 2001. At the end the person who 'owned or leased' the buildings for 15 million of his own money and another 100 million of investors' money, Larry Silverstein, explains He told the fire department to 'pull' building number 7 hours after the major towers had come down.

They all came down in a similar manner then on the same day, and he stood to benefit handsomely by not having to

An important way to Take A Closer Look at the Events and Tales of 9-11-01 on

on Mon, 09/11/2017 - 14:03

Last year a few straggly hippie types were standing near the Oculus that looks like something out of a Star Wars set but is a huge towering ribbed building...whose ribbing who is the question these folks were asking with a few photos and an insistence we were not being told the truth of 9-11.

How could it be different from 'what we all saw' I wondered along with many others over the years who placently took for truth what we saw unfold on television over and over again, repeatedly for days. And stories which may have been confusing but so was that scope of the emergency.

Who could sit and

North Canaan CT Remembers 9/11 with small cannon fire, reading of the names..and more

on Mon, 09/11/2017 - 13:05
Having been to a few of the annual times of remembrance at this church (formerly called St. Josephs's, I had not seen this aspect of it (the morning firing of a small cannon, as posted Live on FB by Brian Ohler, who is a House Representative and active community member who started the Northwest Corner Chatter that has over 3K members and is a closed FB group at this time.)
The small cannon firing, the bells ringing, the bag pipes playing all round this stone church with the valiant crimson doors is a special way to pay tribute tragic turn of events our country faced.
The times of

Nature walking trails (or any time to get outdoors) Think Safety, especially if walking in groups

on Sun, 09/10/2017 - 13:16

 To take a walk in nature or on a walking trail it can be peaceful and inviting...maybe a nice place to have walks for causes to keep folks safe...too often people in groups for many good causes like the annual late September Crop Walk at the high school in Falls Village Ct don't remember basic street crossing safety and take chances, thinking the whole area is aware that they are 'on a walk to raise money for hunger locally and globally'.

.It's not just younger kids (or crossing, even the whole walk, cars have the right of way), sometimes adults feel entitled to 'do their own thing' and lead
