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Keeping School Doors Open Wide and Free (or in the Ballpark of Affordable..)

on Fri, 08/04/2017 - 02:38
 Okay so let's brainstorm for the villages which I happen to feel is now at survival levels in the northwest corner of CT but also around many parts of most states whether related to schools, churches, community groups and various learning communities.. We gotta think TEAM and Collaboration. Ideally ongoing FB groups or other blogs could keep the details and options running for any particular area.
These ideas would need fine tuning based on whether there is a charter school, a public school, getting more people to homeschool if that would help keep the 'schooling energy for kids and

More on Marilyn ("More-roe)" Monroe...Who might any of us have been in past lives, or will be in future ones...? What about the Big IFs like aliens, read the posts below first too

on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 17:22

When talking for a few minutes about this piece which I wrote late last night, I wanted to  add that whoever Marilyn Monroe( or may I say "More-roe"( so much More than met the eye or screen or news birth to death as are Each of Us)  was Before she may have incarnated into her lifetime (as well as since) clearly had a big mission on earth, not only as a star and entertainer but as a child born into a rough family such that she was put up for adoption after being in a dozen foster care homes as an infant and small child. 

That shines a light of concern but also of hope that decent people can

Learning about a couple of Theories of Marilyn Monroe's Murder (not suicide) 55 years ago, Aug. 3, 1962

on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 02:31

Likely because it's a landmark date of Marilyn Monroe's passing, August 3, 1962, the videos on youtube popped up when I was looking for other kinds of music. I clicked on one set of photos from her from childhood through adulthood. That seemed interesting, to see her from her toddler days on through her teen and adult years. Then another described the interview she gave a reporter the Day before her passing. Too intriguing to not listen to a bit of even though it went on for 8 hours.

"There's a history here you Must understand," says Steven Greer on youtube regarding URGENT UFO and Secret US Gov't Actions, July 2017 updates on

on Thu, 07/27/2017 - 02:27


The current administration in the US now, in July 2017, doesn't know what Steven Greer shares he says. Yet over 60K have watched the video I am summarizing in part. Over 2 million have watched the documentaries Steven Greer has made,so maybe one of those folks who know someone in the circles 'at the top' could fill them in a bit..

.Eisenhower was the last president to know about these things yet had lost control over running any of them, but then is was mainly downhill. That's when the secret government had emerged
(Beware of the Military-Industrial Complex.

Thinking of the Pros and Cons on Many Levels About Organ Donation

on Wed, 07/26/2017 - 14:36
While organ donation sounds like a miracle with 'no strings attached,' there may be more to think about not only for those who get the benefit and who generously give of their organs (before dying, such as a kidney or bone marrow etc) but when "brain-dead" when most organs are harvested for optimal success in transplanting, or shortly after death as in accidents or natural passings. But in some countries, it's politics and profit that drive a criminal harvesting of organs by killling innocent people (or even 'so-called prisoners' who are often put in jail for no real crime.)
The point is we
