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More on Marilyn ("More-roe)" Monroe...Who might any of us have been in past lives, or will be in future ones...? What about the Big IFs like aliens, read the posts below first too

on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 17:22

When talking for a few minutes about this piece which I wrote late last night, I wanted to  add that whoever Marilyn Monroe( or may I say "More-roe"( so much More than met the eye or screen or news birth to death as are Each of Us)  was Before she may have incarnated into her lifetime (as well as since) clearly had a big mission on earth, not only as a star and entertainer but as a child born into a rough family such that she was put up for adoption after being in a dozen foster care homes as an infant and small child. 

That shines a light of concern but also of hope that decent people can