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Part One of the Next Two Posts (so 3 total): From the hopeful and lovely to the uglier and legally nightmarish or worse, sorry to share, but really what choice do we have if we want to solve the problem and not just be a silent, complicit part of IT?

on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 02:58

Lovely greeting to Beautiful You (or Me in the letter I received from an online group called Powerful You, so thanks for that folks there). I know that word Beautiful is one growing in advertising, but as many know, Kaelan used it too as a greeting to folks...Hello Beautiful.

When I thought on that as well as the intention he was affirming in the person as a good soul..I asked 'what is the real meaning of the word, energetically, soulfully..." and came up with Be You to Full...I realize others have heard it that way or worked it into ads since my own insight into that meaning..and it can

A few ideas about PLANNING for Romance and taking Healthy Breaks, having Support and More..

on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 02:54

There are a few posts here that 'go together, this is the middle one.." but each makes sense and merits attention from those living with others, even working together or getting romantically involved or in the family way.

Don't overlook value of National Conference for DV Custody Issues in Albany NY in May 2016, see

on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 02:47

The Battered Mothers Custody Conference is an important national conference for serious advocates or victims in need of information to find support particularly during custody for two books Barry Goldstein worked on with many about Representing the DV Survivor..get ready to have your Eyes Opened Fully to not only tragic patterns in the courts and society but thankfully some wisdom on how to repair the travesty for coming waves of women in need and their precious children.

Special support needed this Easter 2016 and as we know throughout the life can deal harsh blows.Donating to a or can bring hope like a rainbow after a storm..or fire

on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 02:03

Very hard to hear such sad news about a housefire on March 19, 2016 in which Tom and Lindsay McKinnon of Roanoke VA lost their two young sons, Logan and Patrick. See the fundraiser sites in the title of this post to donate. Over 100K has been raised with a goal of 250K. 

Donations can be mailed to McKinnon Fund PO Box 3094 Roanoke VA 24015.



Let's value the time, health and safety we have as we work together to help this couple be strong for their beautiful boys who graced their lives and our world, and yet are now in spirit...It helps to hear that spirits live on, and we transition yet

Happy Spring 2016 with 15 min of Dr.Sha's Live Singing his peace song or see www.nycmedittion, join a faith circle or take a walk and breathe calmly..

on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 13:17


TODAY at 2:30 pm EST (and 11:30a out in Hawaii) Dr. Sha will be leading a lovely 15-minute time of singing his Peace, Love, Harmony Song as part of World Happiness Day. What a lovely idea and action step.

Then there are ways to vote his song for recognition between April 8th and May 8th, 2016. I have one I may enter and will print shortly on this blog. In NY at PS 20, Anna Sliver Public School on 166 Essex St in Manhattan, there will be some free talks on meditation from 12-4p with an hour for lunch at 1:30p.
