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One on Mon October 1st (and each month thereafter)--Get Ready, Set, Go!

on Mon, 09/24/2012 - 22:54

What's happening at 1 on Monday October 1st in the afternoon?

We'll find out soon for 2012 for "Oak"tober, and can discover anew what we think, feel, appreciate and aspire to on NOvember 1st  (Remembering to VOTE for the new President now in 2020 too, and including a sense of what we do Not want to pursue or support or be impacted by personally, locally and globally, then to recall again the YES list for December 1st, and on into 2013 (and now into 2020) from January 1st, February 1st, and March 1st.,

Then there's April 1st (a very special day to remember those who have crossed over in the

Who can ask questions? Discuss ideas?

on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 03:51

 Do you have something you are aching to say, want to ask, or want to wonder about out loud? Have you found 'sounding board' folks?

If it's not too personal, Toastmasters International Clubs are a great place to visit and test the waters of opening your mouth and saying, "Yap!"

That's a friendly reference to the powerful extra sound needed by every Who in Whoville to save guess who?

Yes, that vonderful elephant Horton. Well, consider this a Who-friendly forum. Post a comment as the spirit moves you.

The Stuff of Legends Unfolding Today in Many Areas: Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy (the name for the White Buffalo Calf, an unusual event)

on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 01:43

 The stormy day did not keep hundreds of kind folks from gathering on the hillsides of the Fay farm in Goshen CT, not far from Tyler Lake,  to take part in the a special naming ceremony for a male white buffalo calf born on June 16th, 2012. 

His arrival at about 1pm, happened to be three years to the day marking the passing of our 16 and a half year old teen son Kaelan Paton. I was spending some time at his Memorial Tree at HVRHS in Falls Village CT. 

I offer now that any Memorial effort can be a good reminder to any of us to remember 'we all have loved ones on the other side..and that  we

Check Lists for Chicks and Guys (with or without guts)

on Mon, 05/28/2012 - 03:00

 A quick-chick check list to stay safe and smart (which are about the same things to stay in the game of life and love of self and others fairly, legally, practically, so gutsy guys can use this list too).

  1. See to be aware of the Laws regarding being involved with someone physically or sexually. Mutual (think me and you-to be fair to-all) consent means the two (or more, just to reflect some people's reality need to be fully sober and aware of what is being requested or suggested Before being pressured or coaxed into doing stated activity.
  2. There should be no hurrying, pressuring

Anony-mouse-ly Yours

on Sun, 05/20/2012 - 02:50

Is it safe to speak freely? In a word, no. How might we try to think wisely out loud? Why bother, some ask. We are all affected by the opportunities and lack thereof,. The more we know, the more we can choose wisely how to spend our time, invest in relationships and oh yes, live our lives individually and collectively, in pairs, groups, towns, states, and countries and beyond on the internet and internationally

We might help someone nearby with a bit of good advice, or save someone across the world with a word of hope or wisdom. Why not try.
