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Northwest Corner Chatter (the CT corner near Dutchess County NY and The Berkshires of MA) Now A Public Page, Thanks Brian Ohler for Keeping the Ball Rollin'

on Mon, 03/11/2019 - 14:09

Here's a post I put on the NWCorner Chatter page started by Brian Ohler of North Canaan CT...and enjoyed by 5K plus. Thanks for all who contribute to the bigger efforts and the everyday one too that keeps a town and area humming with positivity and pro-active responses and efforts. It's all much appreciated. All the best for a bright next part of 2019 (and a Happy St. Patrick's Day!)

Thanks for sharing the process...and monitoring of posts is not a picnic...I applaud your efforts and hope the best for the public status. I know things can get dicey. 

On my blog which has reached

Embellishing Options for Caring for Students and Families in One's Area..small town or otherwise

on Mon, 10/22/2018 - 17:54

After reading about concerns on Reg One Community FB page about the dicey prospects of the new program at the high school, I shared the following. Overall the idea is to use the permaculture principle (which are online and in a post  on the online Turtle Garden Permaculture Game) to have many ways to meet needs...and multiple supports to get a job done..whether gardening or educating others (and one another...) 

Also 'conserving energy' would speak to having a support group for each grade if not each class rather than have every family work hard to help their own child/ren succeed.

An intro to More Community Networking Online and at The Falls Village Car Show July 8th, 2018..see you There!

on Wed, 06/27/2018 - 13:47

As for local events we all want to attend so we have a better chance of 'bumping into our neighbors' and seeing amazing cars, put The Falls Village Car Show on your calendar for July 8th, 2018. PM me if you want to help me with my community-networking booth I will have (a place to post community events, with a summarized list to help people remember dates, times and consider inviting friends who may not have time to figure out the deets.) 

Ideally a list of community events resources such as listed in The Hills and in the Lakeville Journal's "Towns and Villages" special sections (with Town

As of This SprINg, You Are Cordially INvited to JoIN the IN)Crowd, that's the "Intentionally Nice" Crowd!

on Tue, 03/27/2018 - 22:13

Dear Fellow Folks on Plan-It Heart (why not consider that many living beings with hearts as a moving creative force on our planet..and together we make the world go round,)

Many say with our hearts, minds, visions, connections with those from the past and those who have journeyed on, other loving guides and the divine...or the greater good if that suits someone's palette better and with consideration for our shared unfolding future and the newcomers joining our ranks here in the physical realm whether they make it to their first breath or not sometimes their reality is part of their overall

Splurging on the Women's Balance Summit, Free through 8-7-16, Enjoy. Also tune into the free All Things Spiritual Summit through 8-21-16! And See for his new offerings (and extra special deals thru 8-12-16!)

on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 14:30

Hoping a few more folks can enjoy these online summits (also listened to a business offer from Ted McGrath called Message to Millions (M2M) which I found inspiring. I'd need a cool $2K to do his program and get my ideas out there on the internet in a professional powerful (and lucrative) way. While I have done much for free for decades, I realize if I did charge, I could still do stuff for free and people might appreciate me more as well as feel they could expect more from me if they made a purchase.

Feel free to coach me along those lines.
