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Vassar College

Northwest Corner Chatter (the CT corner near Dutchess County NY and The Berkshires of MA) Now A Public Page, Thanks Brian Ohler for Keeping the Ball Rollin'

on Mon, 03/11/2019 - 14:09

Here's a post I put on the NWCorner Chatter page started by Brian Ohler of North Canaan CT...and enjoyed by 5K plus. Thanks for all who contribute to the bigger efforts and the everyday one too that keeps a town and area humming with positivity and pro-active responses and efforts. It's all much appreciated. All the best for a bright next part of 2019 (and a Happy St. Patrick's Day!)

Thanks for sharing the process...and monitoring of posts is not a picnic...I applaud your efforts and hope the best for the public status. I know things can get dicey. 

On my blog which has reached

A Cool Book Group or Personal Read: Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for our World by Eve Wilson

on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 01:06

 From (Jan/Feb 2019 issue), I read an inteview with Eve Wilson about her book.I am always thinking of following up with the offers to get a book when it seems like 'an amazing way to think about our times and ways to address issues in our personal lives.' Much of what she said resonated with my growing sense that the ways our lives play out has more meaning than we are generally encouraged to consider. Thankfully I called to get a bit more information, and I was home a few days later to actually get her call.

She sounds like a wise, caring, insightful being.

On Your Mark, Get Centered, Relax! Enjoy the Middle of December (even with lots to remember). The Life is Good guys said focusing on 'something good that happened' each day to answer their Mom's dinnertime question paved the way to their $100M

on Thu, 12/17/2015 - 23:45

A little inspiration goes a long way sometimes, to help one journey through ages and stages of one's life. What used to be a given in terms of a woman having her own baby, nursing or doing much of the care with a partner or alone, and sending the youngster off to daycare or a nursery school or to be cared for with others who can mostly talk and use the potty has largely shifted.

More women plan pregnancies that work with their fertility, their work, their partner (actually optional for many with about 15K thousand women choosing to become single moms from the get-go with in vitro, or maybe