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livfully's blog

And the latest comment on Syria and Bigger Picture Considerations (relates to lower two posts)

on Sat, 04/08/2017 - 14:04

Seeing a post by Marshall Miles got me thinkin'. Also one from Bill Palmer (a report online) that spells out some dismal Possibilities.. clearly lots to learn but also more to dream about for world and intergalactic peace.

 What if this is still a training ground for understanding the much bigger playing field of which we are all a part? Also the struggle for men the world over to accept that 'they can't have babies (in this life time) may be in a strange way at a deep level a way for men to convince others the world round that war is necessary.

 Maybe 'taking a life' is like "making a

Reflections on the Syrian Travesty (my comments from FB, relates to post below too)

on Sat, 04/08/2017 - 13:29

Important points proposed here...Meanwhile Steven Greer says it doesn't matter who is President so much since the behind the scenes ( and some key facilities underground) decision makers siphon off billions or trillions of dollars

..See more on Sirius
 for free now on YouTube.IF life in earth is not the only game in the universe And aliens need us to behave, which we can do easily without oil according to Greer since their are far more advanced technologies,then we need to have a real awakening. 

Many alternative thinking ( quantum metaphysics,healing and spiritual Theories) offer more hope and

The Latest Gassing of Citizens by Assad, the leader of Syria, Being Debated Online. Why and Who Else Involved?

on Sat, 04/08/2017 - 13:25

As little as I follow the play by play in the Middle East, the news online calling out that innocent (or any for that matter) people, including women and children, were killed by the leader of their own country in Syria by Assad, horrified me as likely it did most people in the civilized world. What is the world coming to, even in these 'sophisticated, we should know better' times?

What is the point of progress if such depravity can unfold, especially without warning as someone who has kidnapped others is apt to do to bargain for lives or reward to make a point or explain their 'thinking'

Sing into Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall.. the world round

on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 23:45

Why not welcome spring (or any other season) with a song from Folk-Legacy,now free on youtube. I'll post a few faves, but here's one to get going... HugEnergy, Catherine, Livfully...

Now by mistake I had put the following more serious talk by Steven Greer and others that's about UFOs... but keep an open-mind and consider the big What IF possibilities of secret factions of the govn't doing business as aliens (or fake aliens as the case may be to cause a false flag event and get us in a tizzy and expending gazillion dollars when we really do have a

See Sirius on for Free (donate if you can) to Wake Up to the Crime and Destruction of The Earth (yes, Our One and Precious Earth!)

on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 18:41

I wanted to watch Sirius and found if for Free on at  Why not watch a few minutes today and as you can to see what over a million and a half people have viewed. The next project is Unacknowledged. Steven Greer shares that "it doesn't matter who the President of the US is, the people Really in charge run the military and show". From 1948 through 1998, over 200 nuclear bombs have been detonated on earth and half by the US. There are indications humans had done this before.

Steven Greer says other planetary civilizations are not impressed with our modern
