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livfully's blog

About Affordable Housing in CT, Falls Village (also known at Town of Canaan) Sept 2020

on Fri, 09/04/2020 - 04:35

Researching the issue of Affordable Housing in Falls Village or Town of Canaan 06031 in CT will bring up about a dozen Letters to the Editor in the Lakeville Journal.

I am summarizing some main points to help people 'get up to speed' on this issue. I am not sharing my personal opinion at this time.

Fifty people have written in support of the project to the FVHT. The FVHT would like to hear from people particularly in support of the project and has said they have listened to concerns in the past as well.

Many people would like to feel there is more public and civil discussion, a consensus

Sympathies for the Loss of a Young Mother, Rosali Acquefreda, to Domestic Violence in Shelton CT

on Thu, 09/03/2020 - 23:50
This was a heartbreaking story to hear...and from what was on the news sounded like a difficult situation for such a young person...Rosali Acquefreda, age 20, was involved with him since she was 14...and that she had his child, a son. Apparently she feared him but tried to move on from past harm because they shared a child. Yet Andre LeFrancois, 22, snuffed out her life in Derby CT.
Her current partner sounded like her hero and was trying to protect her apparently by spending a great deal of time with her. offers great classes online for free

on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 15:10

There are many reasons to catch up with things online in the NW CT area, for instance offers some great online programs for free. Also see for replays and current offerings. Donations accepted to support both places, but not required. Very helpful resources for these times. Some have Q and A also, some may have reading (the Noble Classes possibly.) But all worthwhile.

There usually were other programs pre-COVID... through the Taconic Learning Center and through Foothills Adult Education learning as well in a few locations.

Check Out for great offers, some free and with other resources!

on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 04:40

Hello, Want to share of some of my favorite places to go for inspiration in these 2020 times as we come into the final part of the year...a Rather Big Deal for the US and Everyone! So consider for starters and other resources shared there...I'll do another post about others soon such as from which has a special offers on things, some with time limits, so check often! Best to all!

1986 is when Drug Companies Got Protection from Reactions to Vaccines...and More in this Talk

on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 03:04 Pharmaceutical companies are running the world is the message shared in this talk by the nephew of the late President JFKennedy. Here is a summary of what he shares...

"We are at an inflection point where totalitarian states have used fear to get nations to comply.Whenever rulers tell the people there is something they need to be fearful, the people can be made to do whatever you want no matter the political system (communism, democracy and more.)"

Important for more local groups and online forums to discuss things openly and thoroughly.
