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livfully's blog

A New Era Is Dawning for a Friendly Black America and World and for Women too!

on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 21:44

Here are some thoughts I shared on FB with friends and those in my Yes to Success Hi, I shared this on a post from a friend concerned for Black Lives Matter and for everyone to join forces to have more of a positive response for a new Black-Friendly America and world. (I can share her thoughts but they are rather thought I'd start with this.. I can post hers on my blog I'll put that at the bottom with *Note*.)

Thanks for putting key points in plain English...that makes it a little easier to comprehend.

KCAA Radio, 1050AM Variety of programs such as Kimberly Meredith

on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 02:39

I have had a few chances to hear Kimberly Meredith whose site is She is doing a medical intuitive show on She is sharing a Feminine Design in you prayer in the realm of honoring the mother Mary. 

This Aug. 25th, 2020 show at 10:35pm is about when she shares the affirmations about reclaiming the power of feminine divine with healing for the body, mind, and overall being.

She explores the idea of shifting in the feminine divine energy in herself and in each person as a modern way of connecting and being in alignment with the healing of mother Mary.

She is

Sharing a FB post to a friend...and wanting to message the world too about Ali Storm's Project One (as in Oneness of Humanity!)

on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 01:46
Dear People of planet heart and beyond.. Hoping you and others can tune into what Ali Storm shares about Project One (on kindle or a book) about humanity being one..and needing to heal from the lies women in particular have been hurt by regarding their bodies and emotions...
As women heal, so will the world and our there's a lot riding on us all finding a healing solution to what's been going on with humanity as individuals and the collective. Men will benefit from the healing too, but women apparently are the key.
Kind of makes sense in that women birthed the world...and

Will You Join Me in Giving Three Cheers for Convention Online and In General?

on Tue, 08/25/2020 - 16:41

 Hello To Everybuddy, 

Are you ready to be inspired to give and get support on many levels to 'tell your story' and hear from others? is all about connecting with others and communicating (in that order, since showing up and caring about one another is key to wanting to share ideas and information as well as giving voice and presentations...some of which involved an interview or interactive aspect.)

  Dan Clark gave a free e-book option after his talk. He trained with Zig Zigler. Go right to the end of his talk if you don't have time to listen to the whole shebang.

Rural Librarians and Domestic Abuse in Domestic Violence Report

on Tue, 08/25/2020 - 14:07

Here is an abstract from the DVR, Domestic Violence Report (that's been covering key issues for 25 years) and is found at about how librarians can help abuse victims without 'illegally practicing law.' At first I thought it was about whether librarians were more at risk for harm in their relationships or due to isolation, but that's not it. The full report is $12. 

Here's another sample as well...

Suicide and the Danger Assessment: Links Between Suicide, IPV, and Homicide  


Author:  Jill Messing.; Jacquelyn Campbell.


Source: Volume 24, Number 06, August/September
