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Poll: Who is Aware of the "Off-World Experience" of Tom Reed and His Family?

on Tue, 09/27/2016 - 15:31

Quick poll, no not about Hill or Trum, but about, whose heard of the Reed Family experience and would want to garner local support to appreciate the Sheffield MA (and Falls Village connections the Reed's had).

The monument near the Covered Bridge in Sheffield sparked complaints due to its siting.  Tom did not fund or seek to have that started. (see the comment below and check those resources.)

Instead, he was going to appreciate the efforts of others who had seen some of what he did in 1969.The Berkshire Record's Terry Cowgill reported errors he did not correct. In any event, the new Paraween location has moved from GB Mass to Salem MA on Oct 22nd, 2016 from 11a-7p. Show your support with a note to Thom at his website or a donation!

More local support, including positive articles would help restore balance (and likely could have brought a film crew in do to a mini-series...but negative press even of errors can create unfriendly climates for people to feel at ease to share their life stories and dream out loud. Is that the unwritten game plan?) Okay, so Whose Heard of Tom Reed's 'off-world incident'?

Add a 1 if you think there should be more public support, a 2 if not, and 3 if not sure, and 4 if you want to attend the event (maybe get some car pooling and housing the night before to make the 11a-7p more enjoyable, and even the night after if there's interest, and that would be for age 18 and up.)

Add a 5 if you can help get some good newspaper, radio or cable TV coverage by doing some legwork or planning an awareness event. Tom (whose preferred spelling is Thom) may be stopping by in the area Oct 16th or 17th.

He likely could at least give a phone interview and maybe go to the monument in MA and stop in FV in the Main St area (on the road since people can't meet on the Green without permits and such) or maybe down at the power plant pull-off area etc.

This power plant picnic area is one where we held a "Flowers on the Water event for our teen son Kaelan's passing (with tossing flowers from the bridge onto a gentle flowing Housatonic River not far from where he passed below the Falls on 6-16-09). About two dozen youth and adults gathered in a circle and heard from one of the rescuers and a friend with encouraging words. I shared also that the gathering in a circle is a show of support for one another that we can draw strength from.

Such  were sharings from a friends at Native gatherings in New York State which I found helpful to attend. Each person bringing positive energy and their healing intentions is what a sweat lodge or simple circle gathering can be about as well as reconnecting with nature and honoring the gifts of living on the earth, humanity and the divine.

 I will imagine us being there as a way to remember loved ones on the other side as though lighting a candle and having a moment of silence.

Howard Reed died on October 2nd, 2006  after a day of getting ill under suspect circumstances and receiving antibiotics that were linked to his passing, so taking a few moments to remember him on those days would be appropriate.

For now, let's appreciate the shared stories that are woven together in our hearts and lives that make up the fabric of our community. We can weave a new cloth with greater understanding and compassion as the decades pass which we are all blessed to share. Thanks for taking the time to think on these more 'off-road or off-world' topics. Safe travels!

Okay, open to ideas and hope some can do some research which includes a good article in The View from MA and online radio interviews etc. Then retake the survey and put a 6 down if They Just Learned about things enough to have an opinion, then add a 1, 2, or other number as above.


I skimmed over Cowgill’s articles relating to the monument, his article is appalling, Cowgill could not be more wrong.

I live here and am well aware in what manner the monument arrived. The unavailing was reported truthfully by ABC News NY, the Berkshire eagle and MASSLIVE. Terry Cowgill and the Berkshire Record should be ashamed.

JUST THE FACTS: The monument was constructed by families form town, and a local dairy farm. The monument was in support of the Local History made right here in Sheffield. This is well known by the community, the Town Hall and Police Department. So why did the Record publicize something so untrue, and slandering? Our township does not need a paper like this. I wish the family and Sheffield only the best. Gina

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