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Social Permaculture Anyone? How about Tuition Insurance for College Students (Yes two topics)

on Fri, 08/25/2017 - 19:19 is the link to learn more about a workshop being held at the Brooklyn NY Commons on Atlantic Avenue on Saturday, Aug. 26th, 2017. I hope to go and bring a few friends to see what we can do to create a livelier community in our lovely neighborhoods here. 
It doesn't hurt that 'Everybody Loves Brooklyn" and I am guessing that's mainly because of the people (and improvements that have come over the years with safer communities and more money helping improve the neighborhoods...but the challenges to keep ties and practical resources in place are ones we need to face together locally, nationally and globally...)

Next up, visit and find out if your student's college tuition can be covered by one of the plans. Figure out the amount of Tuition And Housing, Subtract out the Grants from the College and Government. and see how many Loans the student and parents are responsible for (including the Federal PLUS loan for parents). That is the amount you can get insurance for, not more (books etc.) For 16K, you might pay about 140 so that IF your student needed to withdraw for an approved reason (not including death by suicide and ideally every student  would have some life insurance which is required in some states since the tuition would be due possibly.) the insurance would cover 70% of approved expenses (70% of the 16K  for instance.)That can bring parents (who think ahead and even students who May feel pressured or have a medical injury or serious mental health condition-needs to be in the approved DSM) Peace of Mind. 

I will post this so people can get to considering these timely offers (Tuition Insurance needs to be bought Before Classes begin likely!)

All the best and get support going over the details so you feel able to fill out information online (even at a library with help from someone there, etc) to take advantage of offers like this...though I am not promoting or endorsing any product or program, just helping you be more aware of What's Out There> All the best to everybuddy!


The new book that Al Gore and Everybody Else can reference to get a handle on the Social Permaculture insights and lenses to look at our society with new eyes is Change Here Now by Adam Brock.

 Plan "B" for the third rock from the sun arrives at a key time in our collective journey on earth, so thanks Adam and others, such as Andrew Faust and Ethan Roland and many others bringing the innovative, time-tested ethics and principles of the permaculture paradigm to the common people. See more on their sites by googling their names.

I encouraged Adam Brock to do a video series that others could help promote since his Adam's apple (or voice) helps convey the messages clearly and to the Adams and Eves (guys and gals et al) on plan-it heart just when we're needing it most. Thanks for getting the information to your state government's attention (a book in each state helps people access it through the library, for instance) and letting it trickle down and become an inspiration for the general public.

Kudos to the dozen in attendance, from ages 2 months to over 65, we're lookin' alive. Adam heads back to Colorado now so safe and happy travels to such sojourners...we're fortunate to have them in our midst especially after being inspired by the solar eclipse. See The Shift Network for info on a cool unifying 11 days from 9-11 onward online. We can get our minds working together and our actions will follow!

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