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Sharing a necessary bit of info (like Major Problems We Might Want to Know About Sooner Rather Than Too-Later). Keep the faith and pace yo'selves as I am trying to do with such topics. Connect and do outreach as you can, rest and pray!

on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 15:15
The luxury of growing old is not likely what any of us will hear about, because the prospect of the climate woes, wars and other maladies likely will be getting the lion's share of our attention.
I watched a few hours on those topics...magnetic shift of the N and S poles that may happen any ol' time now (in the next couple of years, but it will happen in a week and cause tsunamis wiping out the East Coast for a couple hundred miles inland...maybe best to move 3-400 miles inland..and the West Coast doesn't fare any better though a few islands of land will be there.
 The southern Ozarks in Missouri is where many Navy folks are retiring since they were told about this a while ago.
Then of course, the alien encounters will be possibilities,  both real and man-made to scare us into giving more millions even billions to star wars programs. All of this was sci-fi until now it's clear 'something is amuck in Camelot.' Oh yes, then there's the CERN program that could basically vaporize the planet when only a few are looking. 
That talk explained the publicity is one thing, but in reality the scientists are trying to tune into other universes and dimension.
The analogy was given that our universe is 'but one page in a book' and we're not supposed to interact with the other pages, but in a sense by using a crazy tubular Collider machine, that's 20 miles long underground to get molecules going beyond fast (think speed of light one talk said), they can maybe create 'anti-matter' and the kind of stuff that made hydrogen bombs function. It takes less than 10g of such 'material' to make a bomb so now they can make tons more and then what might it be 'used for' or accidentally damage.
When considering the earth's tenuous scenario with the science experiments it seems very delicate (and complicated). Check out Gordon Scallion who had premonitions after becoming ill in 1980...and has books about the new continental forms after floods, earthquakes, volcanoes and changes. Not easy to ponder, and plenty of other 'population reduction' theories out there (Global Report 2000 from the Carter administration I read parts of 5-10 years ago. 
The Fortune 500 or 100 companies may have ways to keep some of their people safe in bunkers and such (but who knows if they are really planning for the huge geographic challenges.) There might be two off-world places for 200K also, and not likely first-come, first-serve. I have been taking more time to ponder that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience so likely 'we'll all be fine, just as if we lived a long life and crossed over' as we imagined could happen. With the sense of fair play and connection with a loving divine guide or two, that can happen more readily likely (and of course, many people argue various versions along those lines as has been done for thousands of years. 
Too bad more couldnt' have 'some faith' and others not worry or insist quite so much on one very particular path 'or else'. The extremism seems to be costing us a lot in our lives as well as in this 'end zone' scenario, so my hope would be we could find ways to accept the possibilities and as Mom would say, 'Act as If' we could maintain dignity and respect for each other and not despair even in the face of tremendous challenges.
 My code word 'tree-mend-us' is one to remind us we are all connected with root systems to the earth and one another in meaningful ways..with nature and the love from above like branches singing their praises and keeping life in the balance by providing oxygen and homes for wildlife and resources for people. 
We can be like trees that walk the earth (and use our animal and divine instincts to help all of us journey through the challenges.) Likely training camps now would make sense, along with basics for self-care and functioning with much less.Okay, need to tend to lil' one. Not easy topics, but again if we can consider now and then along with some potential transitional and practice plans, could be good for us and we could help our states and countries c-o-p-e with Hope!


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