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A Moment in Time: Listening to Ed Trickett's music & Promoting Caroline Paton's

on Mon, 03/26/2018 - 17:56

Here's Gently Down the Stream of Time from youtube, performed by Ed Trickett, one of the artists who recorded with Folk-Legacy Records, Inc. This album of the same name if #64, Caroline Paton, one of the company's founders told me and we're listening to it online. Folk musicians and family have also organized a fundraiser to assist Caroline Paton with transitional needs at this time at which is running now in March 2018. Thanks for any sharing and support along these lines..Happy Spring and Happy Singing!


Sometimes life happens and leaves a person feeling alone and broke..or at least Broke! There's an app of sorts for that meaning it may not be Too impossible to raise some needed money to help someone (with personal care for instance.) Volunteer hours would also be great to start raising but the people would have to be vetted...and such. Meanwhile with a benefit concert at The Sounding Board in West Hartford in mid May 2018, Caroline's goals were met so Thank You One and Every Person who donated... and sure a Big Thanks to those who were able to dig deep (there was something to dig into, for instance, or your spread the word many times over) and got Resultz or Results..whichever you prefer, maybe Result$!

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