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Presenting.....Kent Presents 2018! Thanks for the donations to good causes and everybody's input here and beyond!

on Sat, 08/18/2018 - 15:24

Thank You  Connecticut's Kent Presents, which raises funds for non-profits to the tune of tens of thousands through offering high quality speeches to about 300 participants..With more people concerned about climate change and ways to help one another from the get-go, I commend this effort and that of all working toward the common good. Anthony Piel and Lyn Mattoon have important pieces in the Lakeville Journal in CT to encourage more citizen engagement at all levels.

I explore ideas on a blog, and welcome input. What is a key idea, even a word or question, that arises from the Kent Presents talks ( which will be online thankfully) that you feel you can share to spread the words to put down the swords of fear, ignorance, confusion, worry or lack of creative thinking and competent action? Thanks for doing your part from your heart, mind, words, and deeds .It all adds up.

"Everything Gardens" and hopefully we can buy ourselves time and more support to live life fully! I know of a situation wherein one youth saved a few others, in the local area (see Remembering Kaelan) with little time to think of options. Let's use the time we have wisely and appreciate the heroes of the past. Kaelan's great grandfather, Victor Hugo Bassett was one such doctor in Georgia who braved such matters in the early 1900s. Let's remember the courage and sacrifice of those bidden to fight wars as well (many not of their choosing and likely done for purposes other than what any could imagine.) Getting wiser sooner is our safety and survival plan, so all hearts and minds on deck please! Many thanks and good will to all!


The rave reviews of the program offerings and fund raising efforts will fill the pages of many newspapers from here to NYC and around the nation likely..but you're hearing from me who got to help out with this very ambitious awesome event that it was 'Worth It' (especially if you are donating near $2500 to non-profits anyway.) Likely the expenses run 500 or so per person (with people getting their own hotels but in terms of offsetting the accommodations for the speakers who do not receive pay) the money likely adds up.

The idea of interpersonal real-life interaction and communication has really taken shape.One talk on the #metoo movement reminded everyone that mutual consent is needed for any intimate interaction (verbal or physical or sexual by the way, in public, in private life, on campuses. Also the idea of being intoxicated vs being unable to consent was reviewed... With encouragement for people to learn Before those terms may prove key to protecting themselves or seeking justice if violated.)

Everyone behaved themselves as far as I could tell... I did have occassion to tell some younger folks that 'just pretending to say something derogatory or threatening' cannot be allowed in many places, whether a private school or public function unless one is on the stage performing from a script or within the bounds of improv theatre etc.' Let's just say that was a topic that came up for discussion and lasted about 3 minutes...and really is a good reminder for everyone even in the land of the free and free speech. We all have a shared responsibility to become aware of What We Are Saying Before We Say It Or Post It.

Trust me, a lot flies through my mind mostly unedited and without much conscious thought but I am playing by some rules...some of which took years to comprehend or actually put into use. That said, the talks will be ONLINE FOR ALL for FREE! Some folks were surprised as was I  that the generosity could extend so far. By the way see McLean Masterworks for monthly prayer and talk hours that are quite moving this year of 2018.

I Hope to Catch Up on the ones from last Dec 2017 on through. I have a few months to do so and trust I can find the time (or better yet, put in on my calendar.) One other tip if planning important events or going to one.

Ask early and often for Updates and that the emails are being received both ways. Someone had a few emails and didn't realize she actually missed the first 2 days until she finally found the email that was attached to her paypal acct as having the info!

She plans to let the organizers know they could ask for a confirmation that an email is received and if not given, follow up with a phone call please..or ask for a secondary email (etc..) Maybe having a phone number on the FB page if not there or reminding them that's another way to communicate if need be.

I let someone know how to contact me there other than my cell phone since it would be off. Just good handy tips to keep the game going. Speaking of games, a shout out to Willy Yahn whose making Sharon CT baseball history by moving through his UCONN college years into leagues that hone his skills... Great going Willy here and over Yahnder wherever you play!

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