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When Someone is Rude, What DO You Do? Try a little pause and walk away, but not publicly announce on Facebook etc

on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 04:26

Imagine if you will, an adult person taking kids to event that could be fun, educational and nutritious on a lawn in the middle of town like a tag sale.

If they were there to set up a small booth to sell their own families' goods as planned but were met with the person in charge being rude, not finding time to direct them or tell them they'd need to wait for (5-10 or more minutes Please), they could be offended and decide to leave for good.

Not come back later or maybe even not another time...and then if upset enough, might think to post on Facebook not only about their basic experience but

From My Blog to Your To-Do List (Your Thyroid Will Thank You..) And Lots More About Life and Death, Healing and More!

on Tue, 02/28/2017 - 22:06 is the link you will want to click Today to sign up for a free week of talks on The Thyroid (yours, mine, everybody's). You'll probably want to thank me for trying to let you know in a timely fashion. You're Welcome! I only learned about it today while listening to my class from Suzanne O'Brien about being an End of Life Doula Caregiver, that is to say about death and dying and dealing with the aftermath of that for a family and friends right through a service and burial. She is breaking the ice on a topic most never brave talking about while alive.

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