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Brett Kavanaugh plagued by denial

The Lion Has Awoken and Roared...on the White House Steps..."Kava-NO!" Let's pray it doesn't get worse...

on Sun, 10/07/2018 - 04:43

After a busy day learning about NEFF, New England Forestry Foundation ( and sadly hearing of the loss of a wonderful fellow in his 20s in a vehicular accident and sending heartfelt condolences to his family, I visited some folks in a nursing home after doing some shopping at Matrushka in Great Barrington MA, and Tom's Toy's next door. Before I could turn in I wanted to see What Happened with the Kavanaugh vote.

Someone said he was confirmed. I didn't think that could happen on a weekend.

Brett Kavanaugh..All things Up for Discussion and Questioning (with weird theories included to explain the likely actions)

on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 20:04

The above video recounts Brett Kavanaugh's past alleged attempt to silence and attack a fellow teen, something fairly common at not only private schools but in many public schools (after hours and so on) of those times. One young woman's experience may influence the decision of whether this candidate becomes a Supreme Court Justice or not.Talk about a clean-cut, apparently capable, high-functioning fellow being at risk to lose it all since he seems to be a man of mixed abilities and only a rare loss of control.