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Chewonki Maine Coast Semester

Nature Festivals and Centers ( and Garden clubs and Permaculture programs) are All They're Cracked up to be. Catch a glimpse of the Litchfield CT White Memorial Annual Fall Event!

on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 00:48 to brighten one's day and year, think Nature and the wonders thereof and of being with nice folks making discoveries... with a happy tune in mind, maybe make up a song to go with... We had the joy of doing lots at such places, including the Sharon Audubon Center in Sharon CT. With 40 Annual Nature Festivals that's a lot of outreach and networking, our family was there for about 20 of them and yet they are not a given anymore. Maybe some other non-profits and schools could join together and invite the many volunteers back to provide a wonderful experience.
