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Thinking of Special Ways to Celebrate My Birthday All Things Considered...

on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 01:05

Thanks to everybuddy whose checked out this blog and hopefully been inspired to do something in their lives feeling 'If she can say or do that...I can take a risk try something along the lines of Taking A Break, A Deep Breath, Thinking Kindly Toward Yourself, Being Nice to Someone Else...and all those 'little things' that maybe the voices in one's head says 'there's no need, no time, no point' in doing those kinds of things.'

That said, the prior post was a 'walk down memory lane' for me recounting not only being a mom to lovely grown kids but also of a teen son in spirit and other

Honoring the late Hannah Nazareth,11, of Pittsfield MA, whose life was ended in July 2015 before the parade she'd planned to dance in.

on Mon, 05/20/2019 - 21:53

After looking at the CA Protective Parents Association site which has important information for ALL WOMEN to learn about early and for Protective Parents of any gender to comprehend, there was a resource from the Center of Judicial Excellence about children who whose lives were ended during a custody matter or by a parent, relative or partner of one of the parents.

Sadly the information is needed to inform our current situations and laws which are still highly deficient and even 'backwards'.

What typically can happen is a protective parent, generally a mother, will report concerns and even