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Dannion Brinkley

Some "Good News" from "The Other Side" (yes, that Other Side, and the book by that name by Geozuwa

on Sat, 04/29/2017 - 17:59

When I went to the NYC a month or so ago, I knew there'd be a lot 'wild and wonderful and even crazy' ideas and 'energies' to consider, not to mention people to see and sights and sounds to hear.  I did get to see Eric Pearl in person from as well as briefly chat with Dannion Brinkley. site had come to mind to check for her Tuesday night online talk and that's where I learned of it in a small ad.

Guess Who Got to Go to the New Life Expo in NYC? That'd be me and hundreds of others, very cool folks and of course rather "A-Maze-Sing" presenters! Tune into the vibes...

on Mon, 03/20/2017 - 15:30

Of course I expected some wild and wonderful folks to be at the NEW LIFE EXPO in NYC when I went for a day. But I met a homeless fellow named Ryan who was across the street from the venue before I even got to it. He received a credit gift card with 'some value still on it'. I encouraged him to put it towards attending and learning, since it was 20 dollars for the day. I then helped a woman who was on her way to Israel) load two pieces of luggage into the trunk of a car a fellow was driving and who was stopped at a red light.

Not Easy to Do Some Homework About The Clintons..Rather Disturbing so Until You Do Some Searches, Think Twice about Next Steps. Seems Trump also has more dark history than most knew..".What to DO?", asks me and you.

on Sun, 11/20/2016 - 16:36

What are the odds I would be inspired all week and take a half a day writing on about Forgiveness and Sprituality, and Then late at night, after reviewing some of for extra inspiration I tune into some of the FBI, wikileaks and and talk shows (Alex Jones I think if I recall), about the Clintons 'darker history'. I always imagined if there were something of substance the media (NY Times, Washington Post etc) would cover it.