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Nice to be Part of this Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe (weekly in 2020)

on Sat, 09/12/2020 - 20:57
Saturday Night Alive
for the Global Peace Tribe
Inspirational Virtual Variety Show
Sat. Sep 12  6pm to 9pm PDT
Music, Wisdom, Meditation, Magic & Community Connection
"Indigenous Wisdom as a Source for
Deep Healing and Transformation
in Our Challenging Times"
Luminaries: Chief Golden Light Eagle • Grandmother Flordemayo
Chief Phil Lane, Jr. • Antaurko • Dave Courchene • Steven Newcomb
Shawna Bluestar Newcomb • Jay Mayer
Musicians: Joanne Shenandoah • Olox • Rahelio • Suzanne Sterling
For full lineup and show description, see below!
Hosted By: Scott Catamas, Debra Giusti and Jay Mayer