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End of Life Doulas

Chad Lewis Raising $10K on his for his 40th Birthday to Become an Interfaith Minister

on Mon, 03/19/2018 - 02:23

Among the many wild or wonderful ways to celebrate turning another decade especially 40 (or 50), how many are pursuing new careers or life paths in ministry? How about promoting peace and healing as part of one's life work? Maybe it's fairly common to consider the Possibiity of doing so. Likely many volunteer in a soup kitchen or treat someone to dinner, make an effort to donate time, talent or treasure.

Taking a more serious step toward a public commitment and outreach is not for the faint of heart.

Tough Decisions when it comes to 'Final Gift Giving..." Would One Want to Donate One's Organs, Have a Peaceful few Day Vigil with or without the donations first? What Kind of Burial? Tough Questions but Important for US All to put at the Top of the List.

on Thu, 11/30/2017 - 14:59

After reading that there are a million acres of land in the US for cemetaries..and that those are laden with metal, plastic, wood and more modern embalming fluids and mercuy in people's fillings as well as stones from the earth, I agree it's time to 'think Twice', especially since the Population has doubled since I was born just over 50 years ago (if I recall that stat.)

There are 300 million people in the US now (about 2020--and 8 billion on the planet heart), with the number only going up (and more people dying now since the baby boomers are seniors over 50 or 60. Men in particular tend

Moving into a Wiser, Caring, Aware and Involved Arena from the Personal to the Public Realms of Politics, End of Life Care and even 9-11-01 "No Lies Radio" films

on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 17:20

I shared the following with a new group of End Of Life Doulas from the programs which I am training to learn more about helping people who are facing terminal illness or serious conditions of decline so families and support people have the information and encouragement to make decisions (yes about things like being an organ donor, having life support if that were an option and needed, having hospice and much more...even how to address the time of dying, after death and care for the loved one possibly at home or in a more personal way.)

There is a Home Funeral Alliance

Braving (having That Conversation..about measures to extend life or allow for passing and everything in between)

on Sun, 02/26/2017 - 02:42

If you want, skip right to to see what they say Before you read what I wrote by way of an intro, or continue as you like. Either way, good for you for 'taking the first step and Thinking about doing something or encouraging a friend or others to do so if you're all set...'

No one knows exactly how long they will live or moreover How they Might die. Most folks really don't want to think about it.
