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April 29th, 2017 People's Climate March in DC and as Others Arrange for US-All! See for more info

on Thu, 04/20/2017 - 14:52

I get lots of email I never open. When I catch something in the mix that sounds like 'this could make a HuGE difference, and I have minute to read it and say something about it on my blog,, I do. Do you? Why not FB share or call a friend about one or two cool things locally or farther afield.

The difference between 'farther' and 'father' is one "r"...what are you doing to speak to the 'farther' of our country?

KIVA raised $3Million Dollars to help over 16,000 women in 62 countries keep or start their businesses! They had a matching grant so make the Six (6) Million Dollars. (Sounds like the 6 Million Dollar Man show of the 1970s only better since it's for real)

on Fri, 03/10/2017 - 17:05

Getting lots more emails than I can keep up means I hardly open ones I havent' taken a keen interest in. Thankfully I got to learn about Kiva's goal to raise lots of money (with crowdfunding donations) for women in many parts of the world, some rich, lots poor (by world standards, yet likely some of the most esteemed folks on plan-it heart.) I wish I could say I donated and basically meant to, but didn't get it together.

I want to do a budget (as in -- you need a budget and plan how much I will donate to all causes combined and make sure it's not more than I earn.) I took a big leap

Try a little PC (permaculture) at

on Wed, 08/03/2016 - 05:09

 I like to think of PeaCe when seeing PC which also resonate with my family of origins names (one starting with P on my Dad's side and C on my Mom's). Now this is a post about not only me but everybody on the planet starting with the lucky folks who hear about the efforts of Ethan Roland has a new book out, Regenerative Landscape I just saw when signing up for his newsletter.

These folks are unstoppable (and unfortunately so is climate change). I was fortunate to take a basic Permaculture (72-hour) class with Ethan and his trusty team of permie teachers in High

Celebrating the New "You" Year with Dannion Brinkley at and on youtube

on Fri, 01/02/2015 - 03:39

Having come across of one of Dannion Brinkley's books about being struck by lightning and needing to be revived back in the 1970s, I thought I'd see if he fulfilled some of the visions he had about starting healing centers as directed by Spiritual Beings during his 28-minutes before being revived and even since. Lucky for us, he has! I wanted to know if he were still alive and good news, he is!