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The Wim Hof Method a Cool Idea (Check with your doc before trying please)

on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 03:15

Among novel ideas I heard between rich meals this past week was to breathe cool air, walk outdoors in the cold, and take (get ready for this one mentally) cold showers to boost one's immune system and acclimate better to the cold. I heard of other versions of using cold from a few schools of thought in the past few years including taking 'hot and cold intervals of a couple of minutes in a shower' (ending with a cold rinse) which was a way to get ready for spring I think in the 5 element Chinese medicine protocol.

Mostly the idea was to scrub with a cloth the lymph glands under arms and

Windy Welcome to Halloween, All Souls' Day and afterglow of New Life Expo in NYC

on Tue, 10/31/2017 - 02:52

Who's been tossed about by the wind these past few days in New York City, US-All? How about drenched with rain? Hopefully we'll be spared any big surprises from the skies for a mellow Halloween with the Americana traditions of costumes and trick or treating and a few parties (and plays in the street). Good times roll in certain neighborhoods but sometimes the fun turns to frolic and too much dipping into danger, so try to bypass that to get yourself in decent shape to greet November. The 1st of November is All Souls Day in the Catholic and maybe a few other traditions.

Note to Jen McLean as she Encourages US All to find our Gifts and Succeed on All Levels from Bucks to Bountiful Life

on Thu, 07/14/2016 - 15:00
As I was watching FB live, an ad for Mark Sims appeared about ETs and when I watched it, he spoke of a similar kind of evolution of our did the the author of Above and Beyond, a woman I have to look up again. and she wrote Dealing with Difficult People..the point of life they summarized was to become more experienced with various choices and life paths that could lead to kindness, compassion, serving others....and all world religions have a piece of the quilt yet together they cover what we need (plus we're ready to learn more.)
Other insights on speak to the

Hello Every Body (Part One) from Head to Toe or from 1 to 10 (This time naming Body Parts/Systems with Numbers)

on Fri, 07/08/2016 - 13:30


This lengthy piece can be viewed in a larger format on Google Docs with the following link. I recommend that, but also if you are wanting a more modest version or kid-friendly version, use the Part One tab on the post for that.  A link to Part Two will be on a separate post.

Part One Text

Do not use this to teach per se, but as a general guide with many of my own insights added to put a greater appreciation alongside the physical body and functions.

Get thee to the on 4-24-16 or research such as Dr. Mark Hyman diet (Eat veggies/avocadoes, healthy fat and lower blood sugars). Make HEALTH ''cool, holy, healing as a community..

on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 16:52

 Thanks to the brave souls teaching US All about Health as Wealth and Investment in Functional, Sane Bodies and Minds (and Souls)...I have sought ways to bring these kinds of forums about before the internet or even information from people in the know was being shared. Too many piecemeal efforts not working together proved ineffective.

All parts of a vehicle must be installed and operational and in balance to have a functioning car, truck, motorcycle or 18-wheeler...With our Brains, Bodies, and Chemistries key components of our physical beings and our feelings (linked to our glandular system
