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Helping People Most in Need with Home-Based Medicare for Frail and Sick Elderly

Sheri Porter, author of Researchers Make the Case for Home-based Medical Care:Frail Seniors Need Access to Care

on Tue, 02/05/2019 - 19:12

 The next many paragraphs are written by me, Catherine Palmer Paton aka Livfully...summarizing  an article and then putting an extensive quote at the end from the article in the title of this post.

The American Academy of Family Practitioners (AAFP) ran an article in December 2018 with the above title. I found it through a link in an End Of Life Doulas group of which I am a member. There is a free online training for basics at 

  •  If you can access the article it's worth considering the emerging paradigm to encourage more options for people receive care in their homes.