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Many Signing to Hear DV Bill in CT (DV Murder Could Become A Felony not a crime of passion...)

Important Timely Bill To be Raised in CT About DV Murder Being a Felony...and other resources shared

on Tue, 05/23/2023 - 00:45

 From There is a bill being considered to make a DV murder a felony, not 'an act of passion' that can be plead down. If you sign up for the newsletter, the link appears to support hearing this bill soon. So it should be done tonight.

Thanks for learning about what they offer and are working with other states in the country to make the justice system a place for protection from harm when there are forms of DV in custody or possibly divorce cases as well.

All sectors of society need to get informed and not 'hide in the shadows or be afraid' to understand the