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safety plans

If Help Needed (by a friend or someone else) What Would YOU Do? (Call 911, Talk them Through, Act from your Heart no Matter the Cost or Risk?)

on Wed, 05/25/2016 - 14:02



The Brooklyn Unitarian Church in New York, US of A-Miracle (or so we can pray), held a raffle which gave a prize of picking a sermon topic. The winner asked that the sermon be on Charitable Giving (and was in early May 2016 and is online, which would be a great way to spend ten minutes before reading or after this post.)

Would you save  a drowning child is one question raised and explored not only in the talk but in a book referenced which looks at the risks and benefits fo giving.

Remembering Tom Drew 15 Years Later...2014 CT Magazine Article on Tom Drew Case--and my comments, a handful of many on various sites

on Thu, 02/19/2015 - 17:12



This can be better viewed in the following link on Google Documents:


Please take a moment to read highlights abouta very sad situation on google--The Tom Drew case which  has made headlines online and on TV since Saturday, July 21st, 2007.

Around 7:15 in the evening, Sat.

Check out Posts by pg number at the bottom, see Public events and Safety PLANS too

on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 20:05

There's a lot packed into this site, but you may need to dig a little through the page numbers at the bottom  of the page. Please see the posts on Public Events and Crafting Safety PLANS. Feel free to list your own offerings, especially in the MA/Ny CT area. Google CT Open House on June 14th, 2014 and find creative ways to join in the chance to connect with CT via a sponsoring group or business before the April 11th deadline, or even after by calling them directly. Offer a class through or take on (such as on Safety PLANS and share info you'd like to pass along to