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Samya Stumo

Many Ways to Celebrate Community, Thank Heroes and Dig Deep to Make Meaningful Strides at This Critical Time in the US for POTUS Election

on Wed, 07/31/2019 - 13:49
A wonderful tradition with so many sharing the same meaningful mission to join efforts and provide care and inspiration for people to live and drive safely, be neighborly and celebrate the many great things about communities that have been strong for over two hundred and fifty years...
We need to keep counting on recruiting people intentionally to take on the skilled roles of jobs that other larger towns hire people to do.
There are training opportunities in New York I just heard about so maybe some people would want to go to those programs and circle back with some of their talents

Falls Village Forum, Northwest Corner Chatter, Great Barrington Community Forum all helpful

on Fri, 06/21/2019 - 00:41

Here is a post I put on the Falls Village Forum FB page. That's in Ct and also called Town of Canaan...not North Canaan but that's another story.

Thank you to all who helped with the difficult turn of events ten years ago on June 16, 2009..when teens were in trouble at the base of the Falls.

As sad as the loss of our heroic teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton's life was, thankfully no other lives were lost and his three friends were all rescued. His Memorial Service is on youtube in short segments (as will his late grandmother folksinger Caroline Paton's be after her passing this March 2019.)

Inspiring Ideas This Father's Day, June 16th, 2019 for US All and Our World: Samya Stumo's Memorial Initiative as well as Marianne 2020 (for US Presidency)

on Sun, 06/16/2019 - 15:44

The Samya Rose Stumo Memorial Initiative for Universal Quality Healthcare would create a well-funded fellowship to carry on the kind of innovative caring efforts Samya Stumo exemplified through her efforts that led he to work with Think Well. See more on The Berkshire Edge, June 11, 2019, article.

I just learned about this and feel inspired by this as well as then learning online about Marianne Williamson's news that she will be in the DNC, Democratic National Committee, televised debate with other contenders for the US Democratic Presidential Candidacy.

There is a great amount of