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Turtle Garden Permaculture Game Directions

Spring or Other Season Great Time to Learn About and Play The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (TGPG). Copyrighted of sorts by Catherine Palmer Paton

on Fri, 05/19/2017 - 20:21

This is game I made as part of a Permaculture Basics Course. Draw a Game Board of a Turtle with 13 'spaces' on the shell, maybe from the center going out in  a spiral numbered 1 to 13. You play as you learn going from one space to the next as you read each 'card' (which one can print out on a sheet of paper or put on 13 cards or number 2 sets of cards (if two players or teams) with 1-13 and the letters on the opposite side such as 1/P, 2/E, 3/ R etc.