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Ways to move into Summer with a hop in our step for safety and success! For real!

Yes there's A Lot Going On This Summer and For You and Me...Let's Join Forces As Many Do in Groups Online and Be Part of the Healing and Shared Success!

on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 14:27
Wishing all well as school wraps up and summer opens up to fun and sharing the roads and time with others locally and passing through or here for the season.
Please let's 'allow space and second chances' to find ways to connect and respect one another. That said, if someone is not of your choosing...okay to 'step away or not engage, not read what is written (yes, even here or wherever) but hopefully find ways to bridge gaps through networks and consider if one is putting up walls where there could be windows. building bridges not a barriers 'forever.'
There are laws preventing contact among