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What took place in DC on 1/6/21...All learning together over these next few weeks...

What I Shared With Some As I Saw TV Coverage Unfolding on 1/6/21 in DC

on Sat, 01/09/2021 - 22:14
Hello to all, This is concerning but is reminding people of the democracy we live in...but some taking it beyond the legal limit. Some are saying 'bad actors' stormed the Capitol, not the main crowd. Curfew time is here..Trump said, "Go home, we love you...and there was a fraudulent vote etc.." 
From 6pm to 6am there is a ban on being in the streets in DC. They are peaceful now, but not leaving... a long police line has pushed the crowd back slowly. The lawn has not been cleared..Just taking notes from a brief report... Tear gas was used a bit... Basically Trump supporters for the most part.