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david adelson

Sending Out Healing Thoughts to Loved Ones, Friends, Community and More...and Allowing them in from all areas too

on Thu, 07/12/2018 - 12:57

This circle of healing idea is helpful. David Adelson is offering a free call next Wed night at 7pm online. I was on one last night and one person with cancer who was going for chemo soon was given the exercise to get a simple vitamin and 'pretend or treat it' as the healing chemo. The more intention and claiming of healing (on all levels) the better from what I've heard also from Geozuwa...and many others. Also asking for any reason 'we may not want to be here' at this time or due to past (even past life) issues can bring up new insights

. Asking with a prayerful heart, quietly with a

Free from , weekly clearings for you and the world from David Adelson and healer types

on Thu, 05/26/2016 - 18:19

One of the Many Notes from David Adelson, at (where You can write to get on his mailing list or ask to be on special offer list.

He wrote to share with friends, and I consider all of you out there in cyberworld checking this site out as friendly types, so hope this is helpful. I am not (nor are they) claiming any certain results or endorsing just being the messenger.

Okay, enjoy (and like he says, don't drive or operate equipment etc when doing this, just Relax, sit and see how it goes.)

If you are not sure you want to try that, then don't and even check with anyone

David Adelson offering programs to protect people during big times of conflict 2/20/16-3/15/16 (and beyond?)

on Mon, 02/22/2016 - 00:34

We don't know all reasons for meeting people in our lives, and some stand out...I met David Adelson a few times in SW Mass via a good friend. David is on youtube, so meet online and get to So many ideas to consider, but David is very experienced and respected in work most cannot begin to understand. Fees may be beyond one's budget but a lot is free and some can be earned on maybe look into options you didn't know were possible...warm, safe blessings and protection for US-All and spread info along as you can..

On a different note, see Vicki Robin on

Living Into Dying by Nancy Jewel Poer a Real Gem and Help for Threshold Work of Transition (and first Few Days after a person Dies)

on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 21:51

Of all the things we have in common such as being born, there's the other side of the rainbow, called 'dying or crossing the threshold'..and being dead for a few days. What difference might a few days make, many may wonder?

The theory of Rudolf Steiner as covered with stories by someone who actually experienced caring for the dead over many years, indicates there may be a three to three and a half day transition period After one has died.

During that time one's etheric body returns to another realm and one's life force energy blends with the world and nature.

Treat Yourself Right this Halloween! Check Out a Great Blackbelt Money Skills Program from with Alan Seid! I will!

on Sat, 10/31/2015 - 20:03

Trick or treat: Go right to and click on the box about the Blackbelt Money Program before Nov. 2,2015 or now or read this first..either way, it's a treat!

Every once in a blue moon or Halloween, it's Just Time To Treat Yourself Right! Really, any season or reason would do, but it just so happens that Alan Seid is offering a fanastic program via phonecalls (which are accessible online as recordings as well) along with great support material based on the book Your Money or Your Life.
