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Brett Kavanaugh..All things Up for Discussion and Questioning (with weird theories included to explain the likely actions)

on Wed, 09/19/2018 - 20:04

The above video recounts Brett Kavanaugh's past alleged attempt to silence and attack a fellow teen, something fairly common at not only private schools but in many public schools (after hours and so on) of those times. One young woman's experience may influence the decision of whether this candidate becomes a Supreme Court Justice or not.Talk about a clean-cut, apparently capable, high-functioning fellow being at risk to lose it all since he seems to be a man of mixed abilities and only a rare loss of control.

Saying a peaceful, positive prayer for US-All in the World during these challenging times (N Korea et al)

on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 02:38

After viewing a few youtube videos a friend sent me, I realize I have not been following The Main News of the Day. What I can recall briefly from the couple hours of programming worth viewing for oneself (though much likely will be in the news feeders so the highlights I cover here will maybe be Old News when you read this.) The leader of North Korea holds that the Korean War from 1950-53 ended with a truce not a treaty so it's an ongoing conflict that could heat up at any time.

He has made threats to use nuclear weapons against the United States in the past five years and has done so

Dr. Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe disclosing things the US Presidents had not really learned about

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 15:58

 Dinner parties with The Rockefellers and  in Arlington VA with CIA Director is among a host of meetings Dr. Steven Greer share he had. Why aren't the Presidents informed about space activity (UFOs, alien contact and more). He says there are many things the public and many world leaders are clueless about. One theory he shares is our planet is being used for another set of goals by alien entities and even some here on earth. He feels our country has gone through a 'coup d'etat" (and overthrow of the leadership) but a stealth, silent one.