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End of Life Doulas

A letter to some of my many End of Life Doula Friends (mostly online) and Others who want to Get Real About These Modern Challenges!

on Sat, 03/14/2020 - 17:58
Just letting folks know I had a lovely time travelling to Hawaii and the SouthWest in the past month, seeing family, friends and even awesome folks at a Gregg Braden (and HeartMath Experience, outreach program in Sedona and made it back to CT after being in NYC for a few days to see my family there.
Many people are heading out of the city to avoid being in a big place where some say the virus and death tolls will be high. I was hoping the EOLD community could come out strong with some guidance and support on many I will see the zoom meeting.
Maybe there are things to

Getting Free Consults (or even paying for them for detailed ones) likely worth it from Reputable Estate Planning Professionals

on Wed, 06/19/2019 - 04:45

I wrote the following when hearing there will be a free talk on Estate Planning at the Falls Village CT DM Hunt Library later in June 2019. Keep an eye out in your area for such programs and do some research so you are familiar with basic terms. I am not associated professionally with any organization, including libraries or other groups giving talks or hosting them although I have gone to about a dozen talks over the years on this topic and find 'there's always more to learn' and that they are very helpful. 

Then jot down questions or concerns. There may be a time to ask about these things.

Showing Support for One Another Over the Decades, Especially in Later Years, at home and on the road

on Sun, 04/14/2019 - 03:17

 In case you are an person coming into your later 50s or early 60s or beyond  check out a helpful website on CT Senior Law, They cover many helpful points about aging (the nuts and bolts of how to be prepared for various challenges and changes, legal ins and outs and reasons to have a consult with an elder law attorney, ideally someone versed in medicaid or Title 19 as well.) People are living longer, and some say 120 will be the new 90.

That we were built to last that long. Many are making it to their 80s and 90s and thankfully mostly in good health. But not all.

Marianne Williamson online with weekly free talks and offering a program in early August 2018 at Omega in Rhinebeck NY!

on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 01:10
 Dear Marianne,
Just want to say how happy I am that you are able to do so much. I have many ideas on I have shared and think we are on a similar path...mine a more localized, singular path and yours more universal. I have reached over 80K people through my posts in the past few years.
Remembering Kaelan Alexander Paton, our late teen son who helped save his friends from dangerous water and  whose memorial is on youtube, captures a lot of the 'tough stuff' in life with a hope to find more lessons, love and community-minded voluntary agreements to prevent harm by Deanna Cochran-A Window Into the End of Life Doula World

on Thu, 04/12/2018 - 19:50

How do people want to live while they're dying? is one question Deanna Cochran explores on an interview with End Of Life University. Deanna Cochran was eager to share with others about people being able to have palliative care before hospice care.

That could have eased a great deal of suffering and pain. So learn more on her site, Many caring medical people realize there are missing links and they are striving to bridge key gaps. Palliative care should be considered early on and by a team to assist with natural transitions.
