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Sunday, Sept. 29th, 2109 CROP Walk in Falls Village CT--Join In or Donate As You Can. Also see The Berkshire Community Land Trust and Properties

on Fri, 08/30/2019 - 21:13

I shared this post on the Great Barrington Community Board of MA. There may be a new group starting due to some issues with that one. A person shared a site I looked into a bit,

Here are other thoughts as well..Good luck to all preparing for Hurricane Dorian in Florida and big thanks to all able to help others whether in the state or travelling from other states. Hunker down and stock up on supplies (first.)

Likely there are lists to doublecheck to have fresh water, food and canned goods, basic medicine and supplies handy (maybe even adult and child briefs if

Beauty and The Beast a helpful prompt to talk shop (about relationships, friendships, abuse, cultures, laws and more)

on Tue, 07/30/2019 - 22:33
I wrote a poem inspired in part from seeing this... More people should look at what's portrayed and compare to basic 'domestic abuse in relationships'...The first few assaults that create fear in others would be offenses meriting a protective order (if Belle applied for one.) Any physical touch that harmed her or was threatening would be grounds for an arrest.
May as well use the 'teachable moments' for everyone to update their awareness of the big difference between theater and real life.

Inspiring Ideas This Father's Day, June 16th, 2019 for US All and Our World: Samya Stumo's Memorial Initiative as well as Marianne 2020 (for US Presidency)

on Sun, 06/16/2019 - 15:44

The Samya Rose Stumo Memorial Initiative for Universal Quality Healthcare would create a well-funded fellowship to carry on the kind of innovative caring efforts Samya Stumo exemplified through her efforts that led he to work with Think Well. See more on The Berkshire Edge, June 11, 2019, article.

I just learned about this and feel inspired by this as well as then learning online about Marianne Williamson's news that she will be in the DNC, Democratic National Committee, televised debate with other contenders for the US Democratic Presidential Candidacy.

There is a great amount of

Tune into the CNN Town Hall at 6pm on Sunday, April 14th, 2019

on Sun, 04/14/2019 - 21:04
I got the following text from Marianne Williamson who is running for a Democratic nomination for POTUS2020. See more about her on also where she has helped thousands over the years with her insights on A Course In Miracles and more.

"Due to the probability that the Mueller report will be out this Sunday, CNN has changed the time of our Town Hall on Sunday night.

THE NEW TIME IS 6PM, this Sunday, April 14th! Please do all you can to let others know, as well."

April is Unfolding Nicely with a One (Mon), Two (Tue), Three (Wed), so hope you feel in Sync with All That and This Post Too

on Wed, 04/03/2019 - 02:42

Thanks Deep and Ope for giving US All Hope (and too whose running for US Pres but needs 65K donors at a dollar a piece before April get in the debates as do the other Dem. Candidates..Who knows How Much Grassroots participation counts?

That'd be everyone in small towns and even in bustling communities in the cities... when people Slow Down Enough to Make a Point of Doing something meaningful (like donating of voting), Change happens like Magic!

By the way a wonderful speaker at Noble Horizons (Dr.
