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Talking Up Doing Better from Now On

Lots of Chatter about Bicyclists Who Don't Pull Over (or stay in their lane two bikes wide) on Northwest Corner Chatter (of CT)

on Tue, 08/20/2019 - 03:23
Very sadly, a situation like the one that started this thread was a Warning Sign that minors were not up to 'following the laws or common courtesy' about bicycling and sharing the road.
A person who was peeved at their behavior could have given them a talking to they wouldn't have forgotten, and likely would have had some put their bikes to the side and call their parents...
That would have been a miracle had he felt 'this was one of those moments'...because Then they wouldn't have headed off to The Falls where our teen son Kaelan Paton lost his life helping others --which I cover on