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livfully's blog

Basic Public Education and Opportunities Could Help US All Figure Out Plans for Plan-It Heart for housing, caring for people and working too

on Thu, 11/09/2017 - 21:00
Hopefully when more people understand the big picture of what needs doing (and what's been done to keep us from realizing that...) more people can feel empowered to use their basic skills and interests to improve our communities, states, country and world.
We tend to do 'too little too late' and not see the trouble coming. Some basic problems like 'affordable housing' and more need to be addressed as well. The new success model is shifting toward one that is living with respect to having larger populations and fewer resources available to the masses.

Grateful for My Miracles and Those of Others (which may mean more saved from trouble too). Let's count our blessin's and lessons

on Thu, 11/09/2017 - 04:39
I met a woman who shared she survived a car accident with her young twins in which her mini van rolled over..She was able to mostly stay calm and pray things would turn out alright...
She got out of the van and when police arrived moments later, they asked how she did it...because the doors were smashed in and needed to be pried open. Her kids were okay and basically...she had a miracle.

SNAP (Food Stamps now called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) offering job training in many fields..

on Wed, 11/08/2017 - 21:04
The more people who take Elder Care Assistant, CNA or Preschool Teacher, the better. Many times there is part-time or per diem work. Some states allow family to be paid for doing home care for elders (or childcare..if that program is still up and running.)
Overall People Care is part of permaculture the world over, both providing for basic needs like food, housing and transportation (and all the other care needed to help one stay up and running or well as can be.) Living With Other People Is Okay (Newsflash for some who never heard of such and idea and 10 million homes in the US are

NYC Marathon 2017...Tremendous Kudos...but also time to think about Texas Losses that same day, 11-5-17

on Tue, 11/07/2017 - 15:33

While I can be shy sometimes..well, maybe just busy and not finding a way to post something important or timely on my blog, Sometimes, Life Beckons..and I have to Make The Time.

While I wish I could say I was mainly eager to share the enthusiasm for the NYC Marathon and find ways to help US All really tune into the amazing people running or otherwise covering the 26 miles (such as those professional wheelchair folks who were mainly peddling with their arms, including a much older woman), I have to focus first on the sad news of the 26 members of the church who died..and the unbalanced person

In 1970s and 1980s, Steven Greer Says there were 2 Billion Radio Frequency Chips made (in the US of A). Some (not sure how many) implanted as though aliens doing it..

on Fri, 11/03/2017 - 03:22

Watching some of the latest talks by Steven Greer, I appreciate his courage and intelligence even more. He is Trying to Get the Word out that we've not only not heard the truth about Almost Everything we think we know but were LIED TO bigtime.

Yikes!! Double Yikes!! "Fake Alien Abductions will keep people guessing and make it hard for normal people to believe in UFOs" Costuming, stagecraft and much more will be used to make abductions convincing to those involved ( especially young people I imagine).

It's late at night so I can't spend much time on this... but sadly if people were not
