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livfully's blog

Aerial Dancers, One and All In Time by Catherine Palmer Paton aka Livfully

on Tue, 10/10/2017 - 21:44

Aerial Dancer

Alighting on Majestic Flower

On the Golden Red Tower

Applauds With Its Bright Wings

All of Creation Silently 

Displaying Its Mosaic Painted Wings

Then Disappearing The Mystery by 

Clapping Its Wings Shut

Whether This Creature Is Male

Or Female, Parent Or Child

This Monarch Butterfly 

Resting on The Iridescent 

Purple Cone Flower 

Is Part of Creaton 

As Are We All

As Is The Flower

The Soil and The Sky

To Which the

Delicate Yet Magical Butterfly

And Each of Us In Turn 

Will Return


This poem was inspired by a real life butterfly landing in my Turtle Garden

Reflecting on What We See is What We Believe Until We Wake Up!

on Tue, 10/10/2017 - 04:48

Turns out I got to see a short video I was making during this luncheon and surprise, surprise, the Magic Plate Was placed on the table earlier on when my decaf coffee was served..without any of us really taking note of it.

Read the blog post directly and the update which is at the top of it. All of this got me thinking about September 11th, 2001..and how We Were All Convinced What We Were Seeing on National TV (and hearing for days and months afterward) was The Truth. We left our common sense on the couch before turning up the volume and all we saw and heard was taken as gospel truth.

A revised Bedazzling Day and Luncheon (I thought I lost this post, but it reappeared, hurrah)

on Mon, 10/09/2017 - 03:51

Key Update on this post exploring the Possibillity of something appearing in physical form out of the blue: In This Case, I happened to find out (at 9:11pm getting a minute to post, a rather significant coincidence to me since much of 9-11 Was Not likely what it appeared, and this post speaks to that.) I had video clips of our meal since the people were new to me. Turns out The Mystery Plate was served to me along with my coffee.

It came with a set of silverware wrapped in a black cloth napkin across it as well so did not look like a simple empty plate which is what my new friend noted had

Welcoming Comments About What You're Up To...Especially Dedicated Permaculturists at Omega for an Annual Retreat, 2017!

on Mon, 10/09/2017 - 02:39

Ever wish you could be in two places (or more) at once? Happens to me more days than I'd think sometimes due to hearing about something 'last minute' even though I hardly listen to the radio, read newspapers or online articles, or talk to that many people about events in my area in Brooklyn NY.

Life Is Not Only About Living Well but about Dying Well...with a PLAN (please if possible) to only have things go Your Way medically or without interventions...

on Sun, 10/08/2017 - 02:31

I spent some time lying on the lawn at dusk looking up at the sky in Central Park in New York City after taking the Consultant Training to be a non-medical consultant. about End of Life matters.

The information regarding End of Life decisions and paperwork, policies for medical people or responders can vary state to state as to what is required.
