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livfully's blog

Finding Time to Talk With and About Falls Village CT (aka Town of Canaan) October 11th, 2017

on Sat, 10/07/2017 - 03:53
Falls Village CT is having a community conversation for residents, moderated by Jonothan Costa on Oct 11th,2017. Learn more online..and maybe chime in with ideas if from other towns to a FV Resident who could convey some of the ideas. FV is the hub in many ways with the HVRHS there (and our stellar Kellogg School, and FV Daycare which provides a nice option for teachers etc.)
Even though I am farther afield these days in Brooklyn NY I still have use of my family home in Falls Village. Let's keep in mind that not only do people live in the small towns of CT..they Are the Towns!

Nice to Listen to Jenn McLean and separately to Jarrad Hewett After the Vegas Challenge of 10-1-17

on Fri, 10/06/2017 - 03:02

With everyone finding a new normal and still learning about how some of the people either went to the concert (or by chance or design did not end up going if planning to do so), how some got hurt or worse and met their end there, how others helped and how many fled in fear and what we could all do to think about how to live our lives with more insights and plans for more safety, knowing nothing is 100% for sure in terms of our human plans (and everyone else's...) Don't we wish Stephen Paddock had had a change of heart that morning, maybe ran out of gas or veered off the road due to an animal

Whose Joining in the Free Global Summit, Oct 5-14, 2017 at Hope You Can Sign Up and Benefit!

on Thu, 10/05/2017 - 03:29

Everyone loves the power of a single pebble being dropped in the water and creating many concentric circles on the surface of the water, right? Can't you just hear that proverbial pebble and see those amazing circles? Kind of magical.

How about hearing new they resonate in your soul and make you think of times that help you see your life from childhood through adulthood as a wondrous unfolding story? Do you feel like the pebble sometimes..and circles other times?

Window Replacement At Clinton Hill Co-Ops a Great Upgrade in Brooklyn NY, 2017-18

on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 03:32

Learning about Co-Op Apartments in NYC could be a helpful pursuit for more people since there are benefits and options not found in other types of apartment complex buildings. I am a newbie learning about such things, a country mouse in the city and interested in how people manage to live by the hundreds, thousands and yes in the city in the millions.Which policies and voluntary actions could help more groups of people? 

The numbers are astounding but important to appreciate.

Dancing in Plays and Saving Lives...and all that jazz, Go EMTs!!

on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 02:50
First Responder Classes such as EMT programs are being offered in many communities. Often the people become volunteers or paid responsders. Either way, they could be called AIT (Angels In Training). Thanks to all who pursue these programs and are at the ready to help others. Everyone learning basics like the Heimlich and CPR can be lifesavers.
I learned to save someone from choking at Kellogg School and used it without a thought when I was 20 just before dancing in a play at the Sharon Playhouse. A fellow was choking on a roast beef sandwich.
