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Lundy Bancroft offering new webinar on his book Why Does He DO That?

on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 14:34

The more everyone learns about how our society treats boys and girls differently and men and women differently legally (especially historically wherein men 'owned' women and their children...with legal responsibilities but also with power to 'hit, hurt, and use them on many levels' in the name of running Their Manly Household (with no laws or interventions to keep things in check or better, make them 'fair and clear to all parties' in a household.) 

When some suffer, everyone in the home or family or social group suffers albeit in 'different ways'. Women and girls often 'act in' (depression,

Mental Health "Quick Fixes" or Real Solutions, Options and More (From Conflict to Crisis to Who Knows What?!)

on Sat, 06/03/2017 - 02:55

 When tuning into the text of Brown University's Presidential speech to the 2017 Graduates in May 2017, I learned that a Brown Grad from the 1980s pursued political ambitions and focused on addressing the opiod problem (in her state and maybe the country...time to get back to that site after I post this entry.) That reminded me that drugs and mental illness are 'equal opportunity destroyers'. When I ushered movies shown at college in the 1980s, I recall one "The Harder They Fall". The theme song was "The higher they climb, the harder they fall, one and all..."

When someone pursues ambitious