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House Resolution 72

Welcoming 2019 with Reflections on the Last Decade...DRiVE ( a book I just read by Dan Pink ) says good to think with flow and with others...

on Sat, 01/05/2019 - 21:11

After many nice events in Connecticut in December at churches and nursing homes and libraries, walks and talks, and some in Great Barrington MA (including a nice clothing and item swap, always a big hit whether small or larger with donations picked up by a non-profit), I got to travel to NYC.

This last couple of weeks have found me in Brooklyn spending time with family and friends, and many more folks at churches and enjoying talks and such on my computer. Thanks to all who are part of our CT and NY and MA too.

The good times help keep us afloat when times take a turn for a

What I Wrote Before Brett Kavanaugh Was Confirmed..When there was Hope!

on Mon, 10/15/2018 - 03:14
The timing of the country being focused on the Brett Kavanaugh nomination to the Supreme Court is creating a national conversation about experiences of many victims that were not disclosed or did not have a meaningful impact if they were.
 We have yet to see what the outcome will be yet we are all tuning in to these matters that used to seem 'personal or otherwise not meaningful to more than the victims, even if many felt their lives were impacted in horrendous ways.' 
Time for some Good News, but again not the final vote: The US Congress House of Representatives passed Resolution 72

Helping the Homeless One Person at a Time (but maybe with A Team Outreach to stay safe and not give to scammers)

on Thu, 09/27/2018 - 20:55

A caring successful person posted about seeing a homeless person near her home and wanting to help. She posted his resume online and that's a unique approach. He had them ready and he seemed like a good guy on hard times.

So hopefully that can work. Ideally she could have made certain he'd not take advantage of her attention. We likely could think on the Do's and Don'ts of helping a stranger or even a friend and yes, even family.