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Steven Greer

Does Trump Care About US? Guess Again if You Said Yes. A Friend's Plea to ASK Questions and Find Solutions While there's still Hope!

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:56
Thanks for braving this challenging territory, my FB friend who implored us to think about what is happening before our very eyes under a Trump Administration. Closing down the EPA, allowing pipelines (and risking but also seeing the oil spills from them), dismantling many programs for basic health and even safety such as birth control or support for rearing children and So Much More. I shared the following as a response:..I explore a lot on my blog not with deep political insights since I'm not well -versed in that..but you could copy and paste your comments in a post

City Saucery Is The Boss Yes Siree! I will be cookin' in the kitchen with my first batch of their Tomato Sauce shortly!

on Sun, 11/19/2017 - 05:58

New York City is the home of City Saucery I learned today at the Fort Greene Farmer's Market. I almost typed "Famers' Market" and I do hope to applaud all who participate in this stellar event in Brooklyn NY at Fort Greene Park every Saturday, year-round (I also happily learned today.) I will offer at the start of this post now that I wrote it that an overall tip is to be thankful for one's food, where it came from, all who prepared it and transported it, and those who cooked or served it before eating it.

Decoding Deepak a Cool Documentary by his son Gotham for US- All

on Sat, 10/21/2017 - 02:41

While intending to check my email I somehow thought to see if I could get the latest documentary type film What Doesn't Kill Me (by the Women Make Movies folks) on Netflix.The next part feels like universal timing and me beaming in Deepak for some insights, having only seen his book You are the Universe in a library, but hoping to find time not commune with not only his ideas but maybe see him at The Chopra Center in NYC (still on my wish list...)

Once I saw I couldn't (at this time) I poked around for what might be of interest, not feeling I had time actually Watch something, but maybe see

9/11/17, What Have We Learned from No Lies and other Key ?s

on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 20:44

Our caring thoughts are with those dealing with the difficult weather (and likely climate-related) challenges in the US and elsewhere at this time of year, in early September 2017.  PS. After writing this post, in the lower part I get into 9-11 talk, overarching skim and see what resonates and in any event, hope everyone is having a positive September with support and inspiration even in times of challenge.

Thanks to all who are finding ways to show support, make contributions and check on 'what we can do locally and in the areas most affected.' I have heard groups like the JW's

The New Pearl Harbor video online and other insights from No Lies Radio site very Key for this 9-11-01 anniversary in 2017, to head toward The Truth (and theories of what That Is)

on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 19:05

The headline 'indicates a crime or two in our US History from the 1940s and now the 2000s' but you have to spend a few minutes looking at the videos for more details..( I want to note that those who describe the conspiracy theories are one group.Those 'debunking the conspiracy theories' are debunkers (and are the basis for some of this New Pearl Harbor discussion which entertains what the debunkers are saying and 'proves them to be in error or wrong.'  I spoke with someone whose by all accounts a very smart, concerned person.
