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NY can increase mental health support for students from 1.5 to 5M...IF...

on Wed, 02/20/2019 - 05:26

IF people want to see an increase in services for students to have support for mental health, see the following link and advocate accordingly. Someone encouraged me to join a NY PTA a year or so ago in a little cafe in Millerton NY (near the lovely North East Community Center which is a total check that out and emulate the efforts as you can with your existing resources in schools, faith groups, and more.) Now here's to more early interventions to prevent harm and more costly problems for people and the systems designed for

Dylan and Mia Farrow Would be Welcome, Believed Speakers at the Battered Mothers Custody Conference

on Sun, 01/14/2018 - 07:14

Not that they have been asked that I know of, but coming across the headlines of Dylan Farrow speaking out via a letter to the NY Times about being molested by her adopted father, Wooday Allen, and believed by her adopted mother, Mia Farrow..

.I am sure the Battered Mothers Custody Conference would give them a standing ovation before hearing them validate that 'Dylan says she's been telling the truth'..whereas she has stated Woody Allen has not. It's a major bummer, but believable.

One report I heard on the news said 'the statute of limitations has run out' but I don't think that is the

Reflections on the Syrian Travesty (my comments from FB, relates to post below too)

on Sat, 04/08/2017 - 13:29

Important points proposed here...Meanwhile Steven Greer says it doesn't matter who is President so much since the behind the scenes ( and some key facilities underground) decision makers siphon off billions or trillions of dollars

..See more on Sirius
 for free now on YouTube.IF life in earth is not the only game in the universe And aliens need us to behave, which we can do easily without oil according to Greer since their are far more advanced technologies,then we need to have a real awakening. 

Many alternative thinking ( quantum metaphysics,healing and spiritual Theories) offer more hope and