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Welcoming 2019 with Reflections on the Last Decade...DRiVE ( a book I just read by Dan Pink ) says good to think with flow and with others...

on Sat, 01/05/2019 - 21:11

After many nice events in Connecticut in December at churches and nursing homes and libraries, walks and talks, and some in Great Barrington MA (including a nice clothing and item swap, always a big hit whether small or larger with donations picked up by a non-profit), I got to travel to NYC.

This last couple of weeks have found me in Brooklyn spending time with family and friends, and many more folks at churches and enjoying talks and such on my computer. Thanks to all who are part of our CT and NY and MA too.

The good times help keep us afloat when times take a turn for a

A Revised Post about Civility and Extra Safety Measures and more..

on Fri, 01/04/2019 - 16:30

Needing to revise this post...basically to open up discussion about 'neighborly interactions that can start off or become contentious for various reasons.' Maybe worth charting (neighbor by neighbor, but even if one lives with others. housemate by housemate or each family member." Sharing space in a home has its own set of 'guidelines and challenges' for everyone to feel safe and 'at home' with personal boundaries respected.

That can include not having conversations or interactions as well as planning for some reasonable ways to stay informed and civil if not friendly to some degree, whether

Dr. Laurie Moore and start 2019 off in refreshing ways with greater gratitude and insight (from oneself, plants, animals and More)

on Thu, 01/03/2019 - 17:37

The title tells it all, or at least gives you an easy way to search out Dr. Laurie Moore on or, her website. Getting time to tune into her messages, as well as others' such as Dianne Sherman,, and many others helping explore the bigger realms of healing and helping us at this unique time in history. Tuning in and being present with our inner energy and suggest any imbalance take us into peacefulness or help guide a journey.

That's one tip from a talk by Dr.

Get Motivated with "Create Blog Entry" even on the last day of the year

on Mon, 12/31/2018 - 14:41

Great news (as far as I know): I have a new computer now (from Computer Overhauls which came highly recommended for decent used computers by reputable people, many of which were business computers which are built to last longer (more wear and typing) than a basic consumer model.)

So for a few hundred bucks, Yours Truly is up and typing again from the convenience of my own dwelling!

Solstice Time (when earth is farthest from the sun and tilted to give the Northern Hemisphere winter..I think)

on Tue, 12/18/2018 - 22:38

Hello Everyone...Consider this a universal 'all here on one planet with more efforts for a united effort to keep our collective boat afloat) call, card, wish and dream...and game plan. The holiday season has come on strong (especially in shopaholic countries...) and the true meaning of keeping lights burning..from Hannukah with 8 nights to commemorate oil that seemed only enough for one night lasting 8 long ago (as the ancient Jewish history conveys and tradition has maintained) to the solstice marking the shortest day of the year (and longest night) to Christmas on December 25th.

I wrote
